Leonardo famous gay men

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I love ancient Italy! It’s my home, he thought, while simultaneously inventing a complicated water device with lots of intricate levers and screws that is too hard to explain to normal level intelligence people but rest assured it was good. He went out onto his balcony and looked out over all the brick coloured houses made by dead Italian people, stacked to the tits with frescoes and ivies and little brown dogs running everywhere and people carrying loaves of bread around in their arms, like soft gluten purses, like vigilante mayors of breadtown. Suddenly, a long dead bird came flying into his workshop half a century ago! Leonardo Da Vinci laughed anciently, like a great man from the past might. He stood in his workshop with the sun beating down on his various ancient looking parchments and took a sip from a historically accurate beverage out of a historically accurate cup. It was a hot summer morning, 500 years ago in Italy and Leonardo Da Vinci was busy at work, inventing the modern helicopter.

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