Gay bars new york lesbian

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I can tote along my straight friend Harriet to Cubby with me, without being publically shamed for it. Sorry to use a buzzword, but it’s inclusive. Girls.Īnd what’s oh-so-very special about the West Village is that while it’s packed with ladies, it’s one of the few places left that doesn’t have some strict “present your gender and orientation at the door” policy.

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#postelectionbender #cubbyholeĪ post shared by Zara Barrie on at 12:36pm PSTĭuh! The gay bars that are actually teeming with Girls! Lesbians! Queer girls! Bi girls! Curious girls! Girls. You know you’re drunk when it’s the first snowfall of the season and you insist on going outside without a jacket to take a picture of yourself posing amongst the snowflakes through the window of your local lesbian bar.

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